The aim of the cooperation project entitled ‘BB-L Interconnection: Vision for a Joint Interaction Area’ is to strengthen administrative cooperation and interconnection between East Brandenburg and the Lubuskie Voivodeship in the area of spatial and regional development. Together with the Marshal’s Office of the Lubuskie Voivodeship (Department of Geodesy, Real Estate Management and Spatial Planning) and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Department of Regional Planning), the Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg (GL) is implementing the project between April 2024 and March 2027.
The Brandenburg-Lubusz region faces common challenges of structural and demographic change. The spatial effects of these will be analysed as part of the project and solutions will then be developed in a participatory manner in order to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of the region and support the harmonisation of living conditions.
The project focuses on the following areas:
The spatial focus of the project is on the funding area of the INTERREG VI A cooperation programme Brandenburg-Poland, which also corresponds to the area of the Euroregions Pro Europa Viadrina and Spree-Neiße-Bober. Neighbouring parts of the German-Polish interaction area and developments along supra-regional axes will be included in the project as required. Conceptually, the project closes a gap, as regional concepts for spatial and regional development already exist for other cross-border regions of the German-Polish interaction area (Saxony-Lower Silesia, Szczecin Metropolitan Region).
The project is funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the INTERREG VI A Brandenburg-Poland 2021-2027 cooperation programme. It has a total budget of €1.02 million.