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The Joint Spatial Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg (GL) is participating in the project ‘MECOG-CE – Strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance’ under the leadership of the City of Brno. A total of twelve partners from five countries (CZ, DE, PL, IT, HU) with a total of nine metropolitan regions from Central Europe are involved in the project, which runs from April 2023 to March 2026.
The overarching project purpose is to identify and implement sustainable governance structures for metropolitan regions in Central Europe. The exchange of experience on best-practice instruments is the main objective with the aim of strengthening integrated strategic and spatial development.
Initially, the needs and challenges for successful cooperation in metropolitan areas will be identified under the leadership of Charles University in Prague and the University of Silesia in Katowice. The GL will contribute its experience.
The second project phase, led by the City of Brno, is focussed on the exchange of experience with regard to specific instruments that the project partners consider to be promising. These will be analysed in depth in five working groups (study clusters). The options for implementation are also being examined and prepared. The GL is participating in three of five working groups and is organising a transnational workshop in spring 2025.
Finally, under the leadership of the Metropolitan Research Institute, a strategy for successful metropolitan cooperation will be developed. The metropolitan regions are to develop their own action plans in preparation for trialling the selected instruments. The GL is involved in the creation of the strategy and is developing its own action plan.