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The capital region is the largest metropolitan region in Germany; it is the only one formed by two federal states, the States of Berlin and Brandenburg. These are closely intertwined: for example as a work and commuter area, transport area, settlement area, by means of a green network. Since 1996, state planning for both federal states has been carried out jointly by the Joint Spatial Planning Department (GL) on the basis of the State Spatial Planning Treaty, with the aim of achieving balanced and sustainable spatial development.
The capital region is centrally located in the European Union and is at the intersection of three trans-European transport corridors, which creates special development opportunities. Both cross-border cooperation and cooperation in German and European networks are therefore of great importance for the capital region.
The capital region maintains intensive dialogue and contacts with other metropolitan regions in Germany and Europe through the Initiativkreis Europäische Metropolregionen in Deutschland (IKM) and the Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (METREX). The IKM is a platform for exchange and projects on the subject of metropolitan planning and cooperation and represents the interests of German metropolitan regions. The IKM carries out regional monitoring and maintains, among other things, a working group, which is primarily concerned with European cohesion policy.
At European level, the capital region has joined forces with over 50 other regions (metropolitan regions, metropolitan areas and urban centres) in METREX (The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas).