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The Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor, or Scandria®Corridor for short, is a geographical corridor that stretches from northern Scandinavia via Oslo and Helsinki, Stockholm, Berlin and Vienna to the Adriatic Sea and encompasses more than a dozen metropolitan regions. It is largely part of the Scandinavia-Mediterranean Corridor of the Trans-European Transport Network.
Located at the centre of this corridor, the Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg represents an important European transport node as a hub for European freight and passenger transport and as a dynamic development area. For Berlin-Brandenburg, the development of the Scandria®Corridor represents an opportunity to generate impetus for economic and spatial development.
The term Scandria® also stands for a strategic initiative with partnerships. In 2019, after more than ten years of project-based cooperation, leading political representatives from six cities and regions along the Scandria®Corridor concluded an agreement to establish the Scandria®Alliance as a permanent, project-independent cooperation platform. The aim of the Alliance is to strengthen the shortest geographical connection between Scandinavia and the Adriatic as a regional development and transport axis and to cooperation on climate-smart, multimodal transport solutions at the interface with regional development.
Full members of the Scandria®Alliance are cities and regions along the Scandria®Corridor. Other stakeholders from the member regions and cities – such as universities, logistics initiatives and chambers – contribute their expertise and networks as associate members. The Capital Region Berlin-Brandenburg has chaired the network since it was founded. The Joint Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg has set up a secretariat to coordinate the Alliance’s diverse activities.